Driving recruitment for a 911 dispatch center

The Challenge
LFA was tasked with developing a creative campaign targeted at those most likely to start a career as a public safety telecommunicator, also known as a 911 dispatcher. Once creative was established, a microsite was built, and a full media campaign was developed to drive awareness and encourage potential candidates to visit the microsite and apply for a job.

The Actions
After the creative concept was chosen, a microsite was created, and a domain name was claimed to truly drive home the message – 911 It’s Your Calling. This easy to remember URL created a sticky factor for anyone who saw an advertisement about the recruitment campaign to easily recall where to go when they realized they were meant to be a 911 dispatcher.

The Results
The site itself was intentionally built small to concentrate only the most vital information to the campaign – why people should become a dispatcher, what other dispatchers thought of their careers, where there were openings, and how to apply. This streamlined thinking allowed for potential applicants to obtain the information quickly and easily they were looking for. While being built, the website was tested for accessibility and the colors on the site did have to be slightly adjusted but all other standards were met. After being built, the site saw over a 1,000 percent increase in pageviews, from 5,481 before launching, to 60,500 pageviews after launching.