HR / Recruiting - Linnihan Foy

All workforce and no play makes dull HR recruiting

“We’re Hiring” as your creative platform is telling candidates to just move along, nothing to see here. This is your opportunity to self-promote. It’s brand advertising. How do you think? Are you forward-thinking? Are you cool? Are you the promise of bright futures? First get their attention and then get them. Linnihan Foy has a track record of dramatically growing candidate pools. We use the revolutionary tool of “getting you noticed.” It could be smart. It could be fun. It could be surprise. What it won’t be is ignorable.

Diverse talent. Let ours find yours.

1. The insight to navigate the challenges in the complex and extremely competitive HR recruiting sector.

Everybody wants your next qualified candidate. But let’s deliver them to your door. Selling you to sell them. You become their future and they yours. Boring a candidate into applying doesn’t work. They want to be dazzled. In this brave new world, options abound for the highly skilled and you’re on the clock. And we’ve got proven skills to make you become a workforce magnet. When can we start?

2. A trusted partner in the HR recruiting sector.

Our clients are growing. We’d like to think we’re part of it. Talent recruiting has become a piece of what we do for many clients. And we’re finding out what works. Starting with finding out what you need. Most importantly what you are. Your culture and your promise. Then attaching your points of difference to your brand. As we attach ourselves to your brand. Our dream job? Working for you. Where can we send our resume?

To obtain the best talent, your company must be able to provide a cohesive message that clearly speaks to your prospect pool.

3. Specialized expertise. Senior-level professionals.

In an age of specialization, we have all the seasoned professionals in all disciplines that matter to create a well-oiled marketing effort: marketing strategists, writers, designers, digital strategists, search marketers, videographers, media planners, social media specialists and traditional media planners.

4. Fully integrated marketing under one roof.

Linnihan Foy is a fully integrated marketing resource. We have all the services that can create or refresh your brand and connect you with your audience. That makes for a seamless brand experience and less hassle in managing your marketing.

– Branding
– Business consulting
– Digital and traditional advertising
– Direct marketing
– Marketing strategy and management
– Media planning and buying
– Public relations
– Social media
– Video production and animation
– Website design and development

5. Immediate impact. Better marketing.

With little or no learning curve, we are plug and play. We can efficiently and effectively manage complete marketing efforts or dovetail into a company’s current capabilities. Ultimately our experience and insight helps our water industry clients get better, more focused marketing to help them grow.
Past and present